Joel’s own decade club, we say farewell to our best this season and wish Joel every good fortune as he makes his way on a new path. With 10 seasons at Ole’s Joel went from a keen green young dock boy to top dog. Meeting every challenge with enthusiasm, there wasn’t anything he could not do. To say we will miss him would be a great understatement. His leadership, integrity, humor and good judgement have made him our best. not only that, but his piscatorial prowess is unchallenged! A Helluva Fisherman! Shoes so big, there will be no filling them, we will keep our heads up and ask “what would Joel do”.

Our very very best wishes to Joel and we are lucky to have had a decade with him on board. We look forward to Joel coming as our guest this summer as a thank you for all the great memories and lessons over the years.

Thank you Joel….