Our season opens with a nice 42 lb Chinook ! Congratulations Matt Philipchuk and Andrew Filipchuk, keen greenhorns fishing Hakai Pass for the first time. While fishing Barney Point this afternoon Matt heard a zing and his reel suddenly took off. He grabbed the rod and started reeling and it was coming so easily he thought maybe a 12 to 14 pounder, but when the springer sees the boat all hell breaks loose and the fight is on! Fishing with a knuckle buster, palming it and getting burned Matt put a glove on to help. Matt kept palming the reel unaware that he is undoing the know holding the reel together at the same time. Suddenly the reel comes apart and land in 3 pieces on the deck of the boat. Matt considered handbalming the line when Andrew jumped to the rescue and put the reel back together, and yes! You guessed it the Chinook was still on the line and was successfully landed! Weighing in a 42 lbs the first tyee of the year Matt and Andrew set a nice high bar on the first trip of the year.
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