PDA’s, phones ipads, tablets, phablets…. no matter which there are apps to allow you to do almost anything now….
This includes apps that provide you with digital charts and positioning when going boating or fishing.
Navionics has a great app and detailed charts that allow your device to act as a GPS so you will know where you are and better yet where you are heading!
These apps work offline so no need for cell service or a wifi connection once downloaded. They use the GPS satellite chip in your device, and most of us have one these days, to let you you know where you are on the water…
Though there are other apps one of the best is the Navionics application which works like the big GPS units do for much less money and the need to buy another unit and all the charts. There are lots of options on the google play store…. They do take a bit of power though so make sure you are charged up when you use them. Personally I take a recharge device with me to ensure additional power should I need it.
When choosing an app choose one that works with your device… there are different downloads for each type of device operating system. Then select a chart for the area you are going to be fishing or boating in… for Hakai Pass you need the North America chart
More than just positioning is available…. some of which need to download with a wifi connection every few days such as tides and currents.
Once you select your program just download the application, (some are a few $$$$) and your charts, before coming to Ole’s, give yourself a few hours to learn how to use the app and you will be ready to go. You will even be able to plot when you got that trophy fish or find your way to a spot a friend suggested by marking the spot on your chart.
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