For each guest, please fill in the form below to help us prepare your fishing license, wet gear, and any dietary restrictions that we should be aware of. The information you provide will never be shared or sold — except your name which will be added to the trip manifest with our air carrier.  Starting in 2020 Guests will be asked to have a valid Boater Operator certificate in order to operate a vessel in Canadian waters – we will still be able to provide a rental form to allow temporary use for those unable to obtain certification presently as we transition to the new requirements.  US state certification is accepted. Follow the link to get a  boat operator card

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Fishing License Info

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The following are required to provide your Sport Fishing License:

ft in

Additional Trip Information

Note: We have men’s even sizes only from 7 to 14 (women’s equivalent = men’s size minus 2 sizes)
kg This is required to provide suitably sized life jackets and wet gear to those under 16 years of age.

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